“Frame building and frame sponsorship in the 2011 Spanish election: the practices of polarised pluralism”

Contemporary Social Science, pp. 1-18. Published online: 04 Jul 2017

Título del artículo
Frame building and frame sponsorship in the 2011 Spanish election: the practices of polarised pluralism

Lidia Valera Ordaz


This study assesses if the well-established polarised pluralism of the Spanish news media system translated into frame sponsorship during the 2011 Spanish General Election. After reviewing the historical and cultural influences
that shaped the 2011 Spanish electoral campaign, I conduct a qualitative discourse analysis of ninety-six news releases issued by the two main Spanish political parties, the Socialist Party and the People’s Party, to identify their
sponsored diagnostic and prognostic frames. I then compare the partisan news releases with twenty-seven El País and El Mundo editorials that evaluated the party-sponsored frames to explore if and to what extent both Spanish leading newspapers adopted the party sponsored frames. Findings show that the political parties succeeded in dominating news narratives about what was at stake in the election, since the newspapers clearly sponsored partisan frames and supported the parties’ political aspirations. Results also demonstrate that the newspapers
sporadically challenged details of partisan diagnostic and prognostic frames, especially after the election. These discrepancies, however, do not challenge partisan ideological foundations.

Palabras clave
frame building; frame sponsorship; political communication; polarised pluralism; Spain; political parties; newspapers

Contemporary Social Science



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Valera Ordaz, Lidia (2017). «Frame building and frame sponsorship in the 2011 Spanish election: the practices of polarised pluralism». Contemporary Social Science , pp. 1-18. Publicado online: 04 Julio 2017.