La influencia de los partidos políticos españoles en las agendas de medios y blogs durante la campaña electoral de 2011

Lidia Valera Ordaz



Este artículo analiza la composición de las agendas partidistas durante la campaña de las Elecciones Generales de 2011, y su asimilación en el espacio público por parte de diversos actores mediáticos (tradicionales y digitales). A través de un análisis de contenido aplicado a un corpus de 168 unidades, esta investigación de agenda de primer nivel somete a contrastación empírica la hipótesis de que el pluralismo polarizado del sistema mediático español invita a los medios a difundir las prioridades temáticas destacadas por los partidos políticos que se integran en sus esferas ideológicas de referencia. Además, el estudio analiza si la blogosfera política tiende a emular a los medios tradicionales en su disposición a abrazar las agendas partidistas. Los resultados señalan que mientras que la prensa tradicional sí adopta generosamente las tematizaciones partidistas de la realidad en sus tribunas editoriales, la blogosfera política acoge un debate temático más independiente y abierto. Palabras clave Agenda setting, agenda building, pluralismo polarizado, campaña electoral 2011


This article aims to analyse the composition of partisan agendas during the Spanish General Election campaign 2011 and their sponsorship by different media actors (both traditional and digital), through a methodological approach that consists of content analysis applied to a corpus of 168 news pieces. Our goal is to empirically assess if the polarized pluralism of the Spanish media system leads traditional media outlets to adopt and disseminate the issue priorities emphasized by the political parties that belong to their respective ideological spheres. Moreover, this study examines if the Spanish political blogosphere is influenced by partisan agendas during the electoral campaign. The results show that while traditional newspapers clearly sponsor partisan agendas in their editorials, political blogs tend to promote a significantly more independent and open thematic debate. Keywords Agenda setting, agenda building, polarized pluralism, electoral campaign 2011

Emotional Politics on Facebook. An Exploratory Study of Podemos’ Discourse during the European Election Campaign 2014

Agnese Sampietro
Lidia Valera Ordaz


The results of the European elections 2014 in Spain were characterized by the outstanding rise of a new party, Podemos, which obtained five seats in the European Parliament, despite being founded few months before the elections. The present study analyzes both the content and the presence of emotions in Podemos’ discourse on Facebook during the European electoral campaign. In particular, the affective content of both the party’s discourse and the comments of its followers will be analyzed through a pragmatic linguistic approach applied to a corpus of 163 posts and 215 followers’ comments. Results show an insistence on positive emotions in the party’s discourse and a prevalence of negative emotions in the comments of the citizens.